
Showing posts from October, 2015

How to Submit the URL of a Blog into Bing Webmaster Tools

Like any other Webmaster tools, you need to create a Free account or you can use your existing Windows live ID to login to your Webmaster account. Once you are signed up and created your account, first step is to add your Website and verify. Once you have submitted your Website, you need to add details related to site and ownership like sitemap link, Website owner details and so on. If you have not created your blog sitemap yet, you can easily create using Google XML sitemap plugin and add your sitemap link in the Site info page.  Verification Providing your sitemap link will help Bing bots to deep crawl and index more pages on your site. Once you have filled out all the details, click on Save and you will be redirected to Bing Webmaster tool dashboard, where you will see a message next to your site saying " Site ownership has not been verified, Verify now ".  Click on Verify now and use the method of Adding Meta tag in Header to verify your...

Blog Optimization: Simple Tips

How to Optimize Your Blog? Once you’ve got the blog up and running, the next thing to do is to start optimizing your posts for the search engines. Optimized Blog accomplish three things: They’re easy for the search engines to read They’re easy for the target audience to find They’re easy for people to read Everything you do to optimize a post is based around those three basic concepts. So with that in mind, here are simple tips you can do to optimize your website or blog posts for the search engines. Mainly a web page divide into Head Section and Body Section.You have to optimize both these section separately. For that, you have to do several optimization.   Title Optimization  The Title Optimization is the important part of  blog optimization. The Head Title should contain minimum 40 characters and maximum 70 characters. Normally for good quality, you should have to use character range between 55 to 65,The pixel width can be used in the head titl...

Search Engine Optimization: Basic Introduction

BASIC INTRODUCTION TO SEO Search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results. Search engine optimization is about putting your site's best foot forward when it comes to visibility in search engines, but your ultimate consumers are your users, not search engines. A SEO is web marketing technique uses to list a website or a web page in search results for getting visits, business inquiries, service inquiries, product sales etc. When google tried to improve their search results in both quality and quantity wise, there were many difficulties for crawl, cache and indexing of web pages and provide maximum informative results to their search engine users. They found a good percentage of websites were...