How to Submit the URL of a Blog into Bing Webmaster Tools
Like any other Webmaster tools, you need to create a Free account or you can use your existing Windows live ID to login to your Webmaster account. Once you are signed up and created your account, first step is to add your Website and verify. Once you have submitted your Website, you need to add details related to site and ownership like sitemap link, Website owner details and so on. If you have not created your blog sitemap yet, you can easily create using Google XML sitemap plugin and add your sitemap link in the Site info page. Verification Providing your sitemap link will help Bing bots to deep crawl and index more pages on your site. Once you have filled out all the details, click on Save and you will be redirected to Bing Webmaster tool dashboard, where you will see a message next to your site saying " Site ownership has not been verified, Verify now ". Click on Verify now and use the method of Adding Meta tag in Header to verify your...